Upper Huerfano Trailhead

This is one of my favorite photos from the summer of 2014. Our family spent the day driving to the trailhead in the Jeep with beautiful scenery the whole way there from Cuchara. After crossing over La Veta Pass on Hwy 160, we took Pass Creek Road into the Huerfano River valley. We stopped to explore the ghost mining town of Redwing, then headed up the very rough road towards the Upper Huerfano Trailhead. It took us a lot longer than we anticipated to get there (did I mention that it is a ROUGH road?), but the drive is worth the effort. I took this photo just after we left the trailhead where the trail passes through this meadow with a spectacular view of Mount Blanca and the Iron Nipple. I got a second photo after the girls had disappeared back into the trees, but I like this one a lot better because of the sense of scale and excitement that they bring to the scene. It was too late in the day for us to hike very far up the trail. We haven’t made it back to this trail yet, but we are definitely going back.