Mystic Highway of Legends
Milky Way Over Highway 12 One of my best Milky Way photos was captured on my first…
Milky Way Over Highway 12 One of my best Milky Way photos was captured on my first…
December 22, 2020 “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod…
I recently reworked my first Milky Way image from the original raw files, and in the process…
Creating a Milky Way panorama using ISO invariance to optimize capture of Milky Way images and stacking to improve final image quality using Sequator.
Testing the Sony a6500 for ISO invariance and high ISO performance, and finding the optimal ISO for night and astrophotography.
My photography buddy Scot Mangold had the idea to capture the Milky Way above this old abandoned truck at…
Mid-October is a great time to view the Milky Way in Cuchara. The sun sets earlier in…